Listserv Guidelines
To join the EDCI Provider Listserv please contact our membership chair.
Instructions for Google Group Use:
If you are a Google User:
At any time, you can access the EDCI Provider Listserv by going to Google Groups from the drop down list of applications on your Google mail homepage.
Under “My Groups” you should find the EDCI Provider Group. Clicking on this group will take you to recent conversations on the listserv. You may respond directly to any of these messages. You will have the option to reply to the original author (e.g. backchannel) or to the whole group by selecting Reply All.
Upon enrollment in the group, you will automatically receive any message to the group to your email. You may respond through your email to the original author by hitting Reply or to the entire group by hitting Reply All.
If you’d like to receive a digest, abridged version or no emails, you may select your preference under “Manage My Membership” on the left side column of the group.
To send a message to the group you can either “Start A Conversation” on the group page (button is found on the upper left-hand corner) or send an email to the listserv email address: By sending your message to this address, all enrolled members will receive your message in their email inbox. Your message can also be found under Conversations on the Google Group page.
If you are not a Google User:
Upon enrollment in the listserv, you will automatically receive any message to the group to your chosen email. You may respond through your email to the original author by hitting Reply or to the entire group by hitting Reply All.
To send a message to the group simply send your email to the listserv email address: By sending your message to this address, all enrolled members will receive your message in their email inbox. Your message can also be found under Conversations on the Google Group page.
Please review the Rules and Guidelines prior to utilizing the listserv. Any non-compliance to the rules and guidelines may result in being removed from the listserv. If you have any questions, please reach out to EDCI at
If you feel you have been subscribed to this listserv by accident or you would no longer like to be subscribed, please contact Google users may also remove themselves from the listserv by going to Manage my Membership and clicking Leave Group at the top of the screen.
EDCI Provider Listserv Subscriber Guidelines and Rules
Refrain from using the listserv for chain letters, advertising, and personal communications.
Vent differences of opinion respectfully and professionally. Avoid the posting of flame mail to set off alarms.
Use the listserv for postings that pertain to the treatment of eating disorders, referrals and education.
Make use of the subject line in your messages so that subscribers can quickly assess their interest in the message.
Be mindful to conceal any client identifying information when posting clinical questions. If you have questions about ethical questions, feel free to first email the Membership Chair, Dr. Sara Schwatken at
When seeking therapist referrals for a patient, be mindful to conceal any client identifying information. In addition, put the city or area that you are looking for in the subject line or note if the potential client would be open to telehealth services.
Keep messages concise.
Be aware that messages posted to the listserv do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of EDCI.
Remember, messages posted to the listserv are NOT secure. They are transmitted through multiple conduits before reaching their final destination.
Use of back-channel communications is encouraged for messages that target a specific recipient.
“Replying” to a listserv message will reply only to the originating email. If you would like to have all members receive your message or response, please hit REPLY ALL.
PLEASE be respectful of others' inboxes and time. We ask you don't fill member e-mail inboxes with repetitive hello/goodbye social-type messages that should be sent directly to the individual concerned.
Risk Management Rules ​
Violations of these rules puts all subscribers at risk for anti-trust, defamation, and copyright violations, therefore subscribers not adhering to the rules listed below will risk losing the privilege of using the listserv.
Do not discuss anything to do with fees, rates, prices or boycotting. Such discussions could lead to violation of federal anti-trust laws putting the association and you personally at risk.
Do not post any abusive, profane, threatening, offensive or illegal materials. Do not use the listserv for any illegal purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, defamation, violation of intellectual property laws, violation of antitrust or unfair competition laws or violation of any criminal laws.
Avoid personal commentary about character, competence, or motive.
Keep criticisms objective and factually verifiable.
When sharing information from an article or original composition do not copy and paste the copy into your message. Instead provide links or contact information where other subscribers can go to find that article.
Do not intentionally interfere with or disrupt other listserv members, network services, or network equipment. This includes the prohibition of any unsolicited advertisements, propagation of computer viruses and use of the network to make unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the listserv forum.
Do not use the listserv for any advertising or commercial purposes. "Commercial" as used for purposes of evaluating listserv messages means communications where the primary purpose is to advance the business or financial interests of any person or entity, to advertise the business or financial interests of yourself or any other entity, or otherwise to promote a financial transaction directly or indirectly.
Do not use this listserv for expressing your personal political or religious views or positions. This list may be used to openly discuss professionally related political advocacy activities in general such as relevant pending legislation; however, this list cannot be used to advocate for a particular candidate or to raise money for a particular candidate or Political Action Committee (PAC).
It is understood that any information distributed may or may not have been checked for accuracy.
Neither EDCI, list owners, moderators, administrators, staff, or contributors can be held liable in any way for any information or data made available or omitted from all information distributed through this listserv.
By subscribing to this listserv, you imply complete agreement to hold harmless the above named parties against all liability for any action that you may or may not take; and any and all other consequences regarding all postings, regardless of the cause, effects, or fault of any of the parties.