DEADLINE: 03/29/2023
We are currently accepting new applications for board members to start June 2023. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and value increasing our diversity! The board is a collaborative and friendly environment, in which we work as a team to provide resources, education and support to Iowans. Requirements of joining our board include:
Must be a resident of Iowa or be licensed to practice as an eating disorders treatment professional in the state of Iowa
Must hold one or more of the following experiences: professional in the treatment team of eating disorders; parent/caregiver/family member of someone who has been/is in recovery; a recovered individual; a community member with vested interest in advocating for eating disorders awareness
Many board members and volunteers with EDCI have a personal history with disordered eating or eating disorders. We believe this provides a valuable lens of experience to guide our mission and projects. However, we do ask that individuals have reached a level of recovery that will allow you to work within the board without significant risk of relapse, triggers or concerns. We require individuals with histories of eating disorders to be at least one year post-treatment, nutritionally rehabilitated and stable in your recovery.
Must be able to commit to 5-15 hours of service per month including attending meetings and engaging in committee work on your own time.
For more information about the full requirements, visit this page.
Areas of focus for the upcoming year include:
Healthcare Training Initiative - Providing boots on the ground training to individuals in the medical field to increase understanding of eating disorders and combat weight stigma in the medical profession
Continued development of our professional and organizational membership drives
Event planning - Fall conference for providers and Eating Disorder Awareness Week events
If you, or someone you know, would be a good fit to join EDCI, please feel free to apply via this link. Or, feel free to reach out with any additional questions to A board member will be in touch to discuss your application and set up an interview for qualified candidates. We look forward to meeting our applicants and continuing our mission to create an Iowa free from eating disorders!